Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dealing with kids

Okay I know that alot of people have kids. I have one whom I love dearly but I wish sometimes that he came with instructions. Mine is a very special boy. He is artistic, smart and very funny. He is not perfect but he is mine and I would not trade him for the world. He has issues with impulse control and anger so that leads to problems. We have had an excellent school year so far but recently he has been acting up and I have no clue to what has triggered it. I think we let up on him as far as rules and things. He does much better with a tight schedule and knowing the rules ahead of time. He is young emotionally but big physically so that in and of itself are problems. I just want so much for him to be happy, well adjusted and able to function in the world. He has soo much to share with the world. I see him doing great things. I know every parent says that bout their children but he is really different and unique and has that extra spark. I guess allot of the issues are mine and not his. He has not been an easy child to raise. He is not like the Brady kids.. perfect and normal. I know the road he has will always be difficult I just pray for strength to help him through..