Friday, April 11, 2008

How to Tell....

Second installment of "How to tell if your Boyfriend is the Antichrist by Patrica Carlin..

How to tell if your boyfriend is POSSESSED BY DEMONS..

1-Sometimes you feel you don't know him at all

2-He can be quite the potty mouth

3-Red-eye episodes are not limited to photographs.

4-You have to be on top so he doesn't levitate.

Should you break up with him? You don't have to break up--you just have to find a good exorcist to tackle this problem. But check references thoroughly, as your boyfriend could die if his exorcist sucks. And under no circumstances should you attempt to perform the exorcism yourself-expelling demons is not like fixing a leaky faucet.

This one was funny to me.. just think you don't like his personality go sleep and he would wake up with a new one- granted it might be serial killer one but maybe just never know.
Personally I would be put off by the red-eye thing but some women just want a None - well as far as I know of my dates were possessed but you never know. The potty mouth well I did date one man who could cuss like a sailor then I found out he was in the navy. Really...
Now being on top is fun so me I don't see that as a down side but the whole head turing all the way around would kind of kill the mood.

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