Wednesday, April 2, 2008

write write write

Well before I mentioned that I was thinking bout writing a book well I have been writing down ideas and characters, histories and everything I can think of to get some idea of where my story could go. It is easy some days and excruciating others. I don't have all the mechanics yet but as one writer says if you wanna write you gotta I am.

I know lots of authors have different ways of putting out a story. Plot, outline etc. I am going at it with the idea then filling in. I will have to let someone read it before I post anything.

I have been writing mostly on paper cause my computer has died a cruel and painful death. I need to purchase a new one but that will have to wait because I just had to buy a new washer/dryer. So no extra money this month and it is only the 2 of April.

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